Panel Discussion 'Installation Art in the Museum Context' (11 May 2006)
creator(s) Martha Buskirk (author); IJsbrand Hummelen (conservation researcher); Sylvie Lacerte (project manager); Marga van Mechelen (senior lecturer); Rutger Wolfson (museum director); Alexander van Grevenstein (museum director); Suchan Kinoshita (artist); Pip Laurenson (senior conservator)
publisher Foundation for the Conservation of Contemporary Art

The aim of the panel discussion is to place the themes and practices of the Inside Installation project within a broader discussion concerning the role of the museum for contemporary art. Is it possible to distinguish between several positions or approaches concerning the preservation and presentation of installation art and what –if thought through- are the consequences for the museum? Argued from the context of preservation and presentation of contemporary art; what should the ideal museum be like?

Click download for transcription of the panel discussion (PDF).

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