3. Data-Model Map (2007)

Authors Gunnar Heydenreich, Martina Pfenninger, Ulrike Baumgart, Reinhard Bek, Maike Grün, Ulrich Lang, Barbara Sommermeyer, Thomas Zirlewagen, Craig Gordon
Contributors Karen te Brake-Baldock, Gisela Schulte-Dornberg, Mellissa Klotz, Tatja Scholte, Cornelia Weyer
Map Design ort schwankl gbr, Markus Ort, Andreas Schwankl

The Inside Installations Documentation Model is represented with 12 diagrams (see downloads) which illustrate structures, relations, elements and selected procedures. These illustrations are a considered view by conservation professionals of the data gathering and recording requirements to adequately document the evolution of an artwork. The Data-Model Map does not attempt to detail all the information required from an administrative or collection point of view or any of the other functions that form a part of an institution that collects artworks.

A-1 DATA-MODEL MAP (click download for pdf document)
This diagram provides an overview of all elements that comprise the information management system using the installation ‘Lichtraum’ as an illustrative example. Each element is detailed and explained in the subsequent images. The diagram shows different types of relations between artworks, records on artworks (artefacts) and their elements as well as archives and modules.

A-2 LEGEND (click download for pdf document)
The legend provides information on the elements of the model (archives, record types, relations, colour coding etc.)

A-3 BASIC MODULES (click download for pdf document)
This diagram explains four basic modules, which are grouped areas of data collection.

Identification and description (ID) covers the most basic data relating to any artwork. It provides the initial data set (artefact) and records central data such as it’s title(s), creator(s), creation date(s), dimensions, basic descriptions and details relating to collection e.g. registration number(s), owner(s), etc. necessary for the identification of the artwork. Relations to other artworks and constitute elements as well as references to information in other modules and archives can also be given here. To structure the information, a vocabulary is provided (using lists and thesauri) in many fields. Controlled language input gives the additional benefit of being able to search and categorise the gathered data in future for analysis or investigation. For more detailed information see B1-B5.

The Material and Technique module (MT) contains more detailed and profound descriptions of the artworks’ nature, materials and technique as appropriate to the type of object. Documents are recorded according to category (e.g. Technical Description, Analysis Report, Interview…) and date. Each document can be linked with other documents (e.g. pdf), images or other media which are stored in a media archive. The MT module maps out not only the available information on technical aspects but also the history of examination and analysis. As in contemporary art, material and configurations are often not constant, this tool allows one to track changes of the artwork over time. For further details see B7-B8.

The Location and Exhibition History module (LEH) contains structured information relating to movements of the artwork within the institution (and external travel) and detail the configurations in which the artwork has been exhibited. For further details see B6.

The Condition and Conservation module (CC) contains the history of the artworks’ condition or alteration and records the interventions or restorations of the artwork or elements thereof. Documents are recorded according to category (e.g. Condition Report, Conservation Report, Conservation Strategy…) and date. Each document can be linked with other documents (e.g. pdf), images or other media. The CC module does also consider functions to support a conservation management. As the CC module is similar to the MT module see B7-B8 for further details. There are further modules to be considered, which follow the same basic principle and thus are not visualised here. One of these modules accommodates information on transport and loans including instructions and requirements for handling, packing, environmental conditions etc.

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