creator(s) Thomas Zirlewagen (conservator); Fenna Yola Tykwer (conservator)
contributor(s) Volker Möllenhoff (plans and photography)

"Liquid Time II" is an installation with numerous, complex technical aspects, in terms of the kinetics of driving the wheel, the transmission of the video signal, and the circulation of the water. For that reason, a classical documentation (in the form of a written and photographic record of the object) proved to be inadequate.
Depicting complex situations with regard to the overall construction and the associated restoration and conservation measures clearly revealed the limits of descriptive, photographic, and video documentation.
For that reason, all of the parts of the installation were measured, photographed, and documented using Autodesk 3ds Max 3-D software. This program made it possible to put all of the parts in various contexts. It permitted (two-dimensional) depiction of various situations from all possible angles. Any reconstructions of parts that might be required would be possible using the data obtained.

Click download for movie as example of use (avi).

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