Restoration (23-11-2006)
creator(s) Suchan Kinoshita (artist); Anja Janssen
contributor(s) Bonnefantenmuseum

Restoration/replacement of items; wishes and execution
The artist adheres to the Japanese tradition that the replacement of damaged paper should be visible. A stock of different sorts of paper has been produced and printed with texts provided by the artist. The text document can always be reprinted, so that the stock will not run out. The order of use has been established. The position of the doors (which are open and which shut) has been determined, while some remain variable. All the items have been photographed to provide a reference in the case of replacement. Wherever possible, visual material has been scanned. ‘Weak’ links in the installation are the fridge, the record player and the TV monitor. These are old models that will be difficult to replace. The ‘typewriter’ and the Venetian blinds (with motor) that are fixed in the styrofoam wall, appear to be maintenance-sensitive. Reserve Venetian blinds will be made.

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