Investigationen über die Kunst & (1973)
creator(s) Joseph Kosuth
publisher Kunstmuseum Luzern

Exhibition catalogue containing 5 cahiers in folder.
Texts by M.Ramsden, T.Atkinson, M.Baldwin and others

Band 1: Protoinvestigationen & die erste Investigation (1965, 1966 - 1968)
Band 2: Die zweite Investigation (1968)
Band 3: Die dritte, vierte, fünfte, sechste & siebte Investigation (1968-1971)
Band 4: Die achte & neunte Investigation (1971, 1972-1973)
Band 5: Biographie, Bibliographie und Photographien

On page 31 from the first cahier 'Glass (one and three)' is depicted, photographed by Eric Pollitzer, N.Y.

German, English, Italian, French
350 p, Luzern/Münster

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