
  Define purpose
  Determine budget and quality
  Write script
  >Prepare the shoot

The Shoot


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Pre-productionPrepare the shoot

Try to prepare the production well. Here is a check list:
Arrange the shoot with the institution in time. Date, time and other arrangements need to be decided. You will have to check as far as possible that there will not be any unnecessary noise or other distractions. Building work next door can ruin a shoot. Check that you really have the budget and time you need.
You should not be filming when the exhibition is open for public unless this is part of the assignment. You will disturb the public and everything will be much slower when you have to take the visitors into account. Furthermore you might want to shut down some neighbouring installation for sound and other purposes.
You will need models to act as visitors to give a realistic feel to the documentation. Book the people well in advance, remind them before the shoot and take care that they have the necessary comforts while waiting. If possible have some help. An assistant/runner can save the day even in “one person shoots”.
Have your work flow figured out before the shoot. When working with new formats, cameras and other systems, take the time to test them properly before going on an actual job. If you are using a completely new technology, new for you or new in general, it might be a good idea to bring the old set up as backup.
If you are going to film a build-up it needs to be planned with the producer of the build-up. Some extra resources are needed not only to film the thing, but also for the build-up. Most build-ups are done on tight schedules and the filming will delay the building up if it isn't a very simple installation.
Prepare the equipment in advance. See that you have enough of batteries and that they are fully charged. If you are renting the equipment, reserve enough time for the logistics of picking up and returning it.